Value 02. Love not fear
The Values series explores the core values that all great Leaders need
Love not fear
We make a ridiculous amount of decisions every single day (35,000 each day according to a 2021 study done by PBS North Carolina)
As a Leader, your decisions have an impact thats felt much wider than your own sphere of control. Your decision making impacts not just yourself, but those in your company & team.
So we need a strong, fast and reliable decision making lens.
When you have to make a quick decision, but your gut doesn’t give you the immediate response you need, how do we make sure all the small things we’re doing are positively impacting our business and goals?
Here’s what you need to do…
Decide what your choice WOULD be (but don’t act on it yet) then ask yourself, is that decision being made from a place of Love, or Fear?
Example 1)
About 3 years back, I decided I wanted to educate my team on Personal Branding. I wanted everyone in the team to get involved sharing their own stories online, for themselves and their career, and for organic visibility of the company.