What 'positive constraints' do you have in your business?
The things 'holding you back' could be your secret weapon
When I started my journey in building GoProposal, we had 0 investment. No money to spend other than the profit we made.
Our biggest competitors were consistently getting huge bouts of investment.
Our single biggest competitor was constantly going to big industry events, splashing out £000s on huge stands and parties to bring in leads and impress new customers.
We simply couldn’t do that. We couldn’t afford it. Money was our constraint. How on earth could we ever compete?
Money was our constraint.
But instead of saying
‘We can’t beat our competitor because of money’
We instead said
‘HOW can we use the fact we don’t have that money TO beat our competitor’
How did the issue of money give us a positive constraint?
Instead of spending £100k on stands and parties at the biggest event in our industry annual calendar. We got creative.
We had 1k to spend not 100, so how could we use that to create something special and amazing?
The result… Instead of putting on an event for a whole pool of leads. We decided to invest that back into a small, highly valuable session for our existing customers, at the same event.
What constraints do you have on your life or in your business right now? And how can you turn those into positive constraints?
What are you seeing as the thing that’s' ‘holding you back’?
How could you turn that into the WAY you move forward?
Peace x
As always, highly appreciate any shares/comments and love on this post
One of the best books I’ve ever read, and I’d encourage every business owner, aspiring leader or ambitious individual to read is ‘Obstacle is the Way’ Ryan Holiday